Del Ano.nym.e ?

"Alexandre Delanoe" in IRL also known as "anoe" on IRC has been working for the French Research Agency (code name CNRS) at the Unit entitled Complex System Institute of Paris (code name ISC-PIF) for about 12 years with a fantastic team of administratives and technicals, researchers and engineers, director and general secretary.

As sociologist, he has been first designer and developer of a new and massive software project called GarganText. The first version released, he served until 2024 as project manager for teaching new French engineers and guiding the European senior developers. He published the following roadmap for approval by his networks. A clear (i.e. certifiable and certified) approval is needed to plan the 2025 year.

The skills of anoe are the following:


Identity Maps

Scientific Map

Licence: to be publicly shared librement

Artistic Map

Licence: to be shared in exchange with some rights

What is NFT ? Do you want some ? Keep in touch on this page to get access to the anoe.V1 protocol which is of course compatible with your favorite token. The tutorial will be given here for grant access to the first material. Enjoy!

Body Map

Licence: supposed to stay private until I decide to share it with some licences; Privacy first to protect my social networks.

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